How to not fall ill during travel

By Sneha Das


Wash your hands frequently

Wash your hands frequently while you are traveling or use a sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol, especially after touching public surfaces.


Make sure the food and place are hygienic

Stick to local cuisines since they are prepared well in terms of expertise and experience. Go for smoking hot food and avoid raw foods and buffets.


Have familiar food instead of experimentating

Go for familiar and safer food options if you have a sensitive stomach. Also, eat where it is busy as these places have a higher food turnover.


Stay active during your vacation

You can go hiking in the mountains or try swimming in a lake. Going for a morning walk or a jungle trek are also great ways of staying active.


Have probiotics

Probiotics help fight off bad bacteria and prevent the risk of stomach pain and food poisoning, thereby improving digestion and nutrient absorption.

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