How to get over your fear of public speaking

By Sneha Das


Build your confidence and prepare in advance

People who have fear of public speaking are often afraid that either they will forget to say something in the social setting or say something wrong.


Practice your speech before the final day

You can start by reading your speech aloud to yourself. Stand in front of the mirror and read your speech. You can also practice in front of a friend.


De-stress before the speech

You can do a set of 5 slow breaths to calm down quickly. Visualize yourself giving a great speech and always use positive self-talk.


Do not focus on the crowd

Focus on the material and look for a friendly face in the audience, be it your friend or colleague who helped you with the speech or presentation.


Mingle with the audience before the speech

Before you get ready to address the gathering, meet the audience and mingle with them to reduce your fear. You will feel confident and less worried.

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