How to fake clean your house

By Apurva P


Hide clutter

Toss clutter into a laundry basket or a large container and hide it in a room that is least used.


Switch on the lights

It is believed that well-lit areas are cleaner than dimly lit areas. Thus brighten your space with natural light or switch on the lights.


Wipe down surfaces with scented spray

Clean surfaces where guests may sit or stand using a fragrant, all-natural solution. It will emit an odor that could calm your guests.


Concentrate on entryway

Tidy up the foyer by organizing shoes and vacuuming the entrance. Make couches and armchairs welcoming by turning cushions and pillows around. 


Keep a tab on the bathroom

Focus on the bathroom by spraying air purifier and replacing used towels with fresh ones. Pick up any used clothes from the floor or door hooks.

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