How to embrace your geekness

By Rishabh Raj


Who is a geek?

Geeks are people who love to learn and explore their favorite subjects instead of worrying about fitting in with what's popular or fashionable.


Be curious

Geeks love to ask deep questions because it fuels their desire to understand the world around them. So, go beyond surface-level knowledge and delve into the intricacies of your passions.



Engage in the process of introspection to gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you. Ask yourself - What are your strengths and weaknesses? What motivates you?


Be unapologetically you

Don't be afraid to share what truly excites you with anyone you talk to. The key is to be upfront, honest, and unapologetic about your passions.


Be passionate

If reading comics makes your inner child scream with joy, why deny yourself the pleasure? Don't sacrifice your hobbies just because you are an adult now.

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