How to create a moon garden

By Simran Jeet


Enchanting moon gardens

Moon gardens are small, enchanting spaces featuring white or silver plants that reflect moonlight, creating a magical ambiance. 


Light-colored materials

Choose open sky areas and use light-colored materials like white stones or pale gravel for pathways and structures. 


Fragrant flowers

Incorporate white or light-colored fragrant flowers such as moonflowers, evening primroses, and jasmines for a captivating experience. 


Blooming season planning

Plan the garden with blooming seasons in mind, using early spring flowers, summer bloomers, and shade-tolerant plants if needed. 


Tranquil water features

Enhance tranquility with water features like fountains or ponds to attract nocturnal wildlife. 


Sunlight requirements

Ensure the location receives six to eight hours of sunlight daily for daytime flower displays. 

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