How to comfort yourself after puking

By Rishabh Raj


Refrain from drinking more

The first step is to stop drinking alcohol immediately. Give your stomach and body a break and avoid drinking more to feel better.


Rest and rehydrate

Rest in a quiet and cool place and sip water or other clear liquids slowly to rehydrate and replenish the fluids in case you had a vomiting episode.


Try ginger

Ginger has natural anti-inflammatory and anti-nausea properties. You can have ginger in the form of green tea, ginger ale, or directly suck on a slice of raw ginger.


Use OTC medications

Over-the-counter medications such as antacids, anti-nausea drugs, and pain relievers can help ease the symptoms of vomiting and prevent further discomfort.


Seek medical attention

If you are experiencing severe or persistent vomiting, or other symptoms such as confusion, seizures, or difficulty breathing, you should seek medical attention immediately.

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