How to become good at taking risks

By Rishabh Raj


Analyze consequences

Calculate the risks-to-reward ratio and see what is within your control that can help you improve it. Think about the resources that can be used to manage the risks.

Don't listen to naysayers


Never allow yourself to get discouraged by what people say about your dream life. Your dreams are much bigger than their opinion. Stay a mile away from the naysayers.


Develop a growth mindset

Some people are built differently - they keep falling over and over again but keep getting back up to continue pursuing their dreams. That's what a growth mindset is about.


Understand what you can gain by taking that risk you always wanted to, but couldn't because of some reasons. If it can improve your life, it's worth taking.

Think positive of change


Deal with your fear of failure

Everybody fears failure and it's easier to make excuses for the same than confronting your fears. However, the hope of winning should be higher than that.

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