Home remedies for hot flashes

By Anujj Trehaan


Tomato juice

Tomato juice contains lycopene, which can help you avoid night sweats and hot flashes. It also comes in handy to treat several other symptoms of menopause.


Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has potent anti-inflammatory properties that can help you overcome hot flashes quickly.


Ginseng tea

Ginseng is packed with anti-inflammatory and anti-fatigue properties that can offer relaxation, increase your energy levels, and lower your episodes of experiencing hot flashes. 


Aloe vera juice

Decreased estrogen is the leading cause of hot flashes in menopausal women, and drinking aloe vera juice can reverse that.


Coconut oil

Another fantastic home remedy for hot flashes is using coconut oil. This oil has soothing properties and anti-inflammatory compounds that can reduce hot flashes-induced stress and anxiety.

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