Home decor ideas for Republic Day

By Rishabh Raj


Add tricolored upholstery

Change the cushion covers and curtains to the colors of our national flag - saffron, white and green. You can also throw in a tricolor drape over your sofa.

Refurbish your kids' rooms


Kids' rooms are typically playful and fun spots in every home. You can spread the patriotic vibe in your child's room by installing tricolor theme wallpaper on the walls.


Deck up your dining space

Throw in tricolor runners and coasters, paper hangings, and tie balloons to the corners of the chairs. You can also bring tricolored porcelain plates and bowls to the table.


Bring in some flowers

Look for saffron-colored flowers like marigolds and pair them with white-colored flowers and arrange them in a vase. Place the vase on your coffee table.


Showcase your patriotism by bringing in mini metal sculptures of national symbols such as the Ashoka Pillars, peacock, tiger, and banyan tree.

Accessorize with national symbols

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