How to prevent a heat stroke

Diabetes is a metabolic disease that causes high blood sugar.

Causes & symptoms

Causes: A heat stroke occurs due to overexposure to high temperatures.
Symptoms: A high body temperature, altered mental behavior, nausea/vomiting, flushed/red skin.

Diabetes is a metabolic disease that causes high blood sugar.

Remedies (1)

Onion juice: Applying it over your skin can effectively lower your body temperature. 
Aam panna: Consuming this regularly will help energize & restore the body's electrolytes.

Diabetes is a metabolic disease that causes high blood sugar.

Remedies (2)

Buttermilk: This tasty drink is great for hydrating and cooling down the body.
Coconut water: A summer favorite, coconut water keeps you hydrated for long. 

Diabetes is a metabolic disease that causes high blood sugar.

Remedies (3)

ACV: Loaded with essential minerals & electrolytes, Apple Cider Vinegar is great for beating the heat.
Sandalwood paste: Massage your forehead & chest using this paste to stay cool.

Diabetes is a metabolic disease that causes high blood sugar.


1) Avoid heading out during peak sun hours, ie. from 10 am - 4 pm, unless essential.
2) Eat a healthy diet, especially one that's rich in water-content.
3) Drink plenty of water regularly.