Health benefits of tofu

By Anujj Trehaan


Manage blood sugar levels

A study found that diabetic patients who consumed tofu for six weeks had lower blood sugar and insulin levels, suggesting potential diabetes-friendly properties.


Reduces the risk of heart diseases

Tofu, rich in soy protein, can lower LDL "bad" cholesterol by 4% and reduce blood pressure, making it a heart-healthy food choice.


Keeps you away from cancer

Per a 2009 review, women who ate soy-rich foods were 16% less likely to suffer from breast cancer. Other studies have also revealed the anti-cancer benefits of tofu.


Alleviates peri-menopausal symptoms in women

Tofu, rich in isoflavones, can help alleviate peri-menopausal symptoms like fatigue, hot flashes, and mood swings by mimicking a weak form of estrogen in the body.


Helps in weight loss

Tofu, a low-calorie, high-protein, and cholesterol-free food, aids in healthy weight loss by providing satiety and preventing overeating, as supported by scientific studies.

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