Health benefits of taking a nap

By Anujj Trehaan


Improves memory

Studies reveal that sleep plays a big role in storing memories. In the same vein, a daytime nap is as effective in helping you recall the details learned in the earlier part of the day.


Keeps you productive at work

You can avoid mental exhaustion by taking a power nap to keep yourself productive. ‘Inemuri’ is an accepted practice of taking a nap in the middle of a workday in Japan.


Boosts your mood

Experts believe that napping, resting, or simply lying down for a while can be a huge mood booster. Taking a short and purposeful nap during the day can help you relieve stress.


Increases alertness

If you often struggle to keep up with an activity, especially after lunch, napping can help. It has been found a great practice to increase alertness and spontaneity of the mind.


Enhances creativity

Science Advances published a study where experts demonstrated that creativity increases when people wake up after going into a light sleep or before falling into a deeper sleep.

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