Safflower oil is packed with oleic acid which is good for hair growth and scalp health. As for your skin, this oil removes blackheads, reduces acne, etc.
Boost immunity
Safflower oil is rich in essential nutrients and helps in regulating prostaglandins, which boosts immunity and protects the body from infections.
Suitable for diabetics
Safflower oil is beneficial for people with diabetes as it has omega-6 fatty acids that stabilize blood sugar levels and polyunsaturated fats to improve insulin sensitivity.
Healthy for the gut
Safflower oil can be added to the daily diet to improve digestion. It acts as a mild laxative due to its lubricating properties and also strengthens the stomach, liver, and spleen.
Aids in wound healing and skin infections
Safflower oil is rich in antioxidants and can prevent bacterial infections, treat wounds, inhibit free radical growth, and protect against skin infections.