Health benefits of noni juice

By Anujj Trehaan


Offers respite from pain

Noni juice is known to reduce chronic pain, with a study showing degenerative arthritis sufferers experiencing relief after consuming 15 ml of the juice.


Improves heart health in tobacco smokers

According to research, noni juice contains potent antioxidants that can reduce high cholesterol levels, which may elevate due to tobacco smoking.


Aids in weight loss

Noni juice can help you combat obesity as it helps reduce excess body weight. It acts as an appetite suppressant, which keeps you away from unhealthy snacking and untimely hunger pangs.


Boosts immunity

This natural juice is loaded with vitamin C, which can keep you safe from various diseases. 100 ml of noni juice has approximately 33% of the daily recommended value of this vitamin.


Helps build endurance

According to a three-week-long study, professional runners who consumed 100 ml of this juice twice daily experienced an increase in their endurance levels than those who didn't.

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