GI tagged items from Jammu and Kashmir

By Apurva P


Pashmina shawls

Discover the luxurious Pashmina shawls, hand-spun and woven by skilled artisans from the fine undercoat hair of the Changthangi goat.


Kashmir saffron

Indulge in the rich flavors and health benefits of the unique Kashmir saffron, grown in areas like Pulwama, Budgam, Kishtwar, and Srinagar. 


Kashmir walnut wood carving

Relish the exquisite craftsmanship of delicate and detailed Kashmiri walnut wood carvings, featuring motifs of roses, lotuses, and chinar leaves.


Kashmir papier-mache art

Admire the vibrant colors and intricate designs of Kashmiri papier-mache art, made from a mix of paper pulp and glue.

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