Foods that aid in dengue healing at home

By Anujj Trehaan


Coconut water

Packed with essential electrolytes, coconut water can save you from dehydration and replenish the body with lost nutrients and salts. Consuming it can also help you heal from weakness.


Papaya leaves

Papaya leaves help increase platelet count in your body that otherwise falls drastically during the illness.


Giloy juice

Giloy can help you manage dengue fever with its strong antipyretic properties. It boosts your immunity to mitigate the complications of this disease. It also increases the platelet count.


Fruits like oranges and pomegranates

While orange keeps you hydrated and its vitamin C content boosts your immunity, pomegranate increases your platelet count.


Herbal tea

You can go for peppermint, cardamom, ginger, or cinnamon tea to hydrate and nourish your body. These teas can also provide quick relief from a sore throat, cold, runny nose, and fever.

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