Feng Shui tips for house planning

By Simran Jeet


Feng Shui harmony

Feng Shui, an ancient Chinese practice, harmonizes individuals with their environment by arranging decor and architectural elements to promote positive energy flow. 


Bagua map usage

Utilize the Bagua map to divide spaces into nine sections representing different aspects of life. 


Clear entrance importance

Ensure a clear, easy-to-find entrance for your home, with public areas near the front door and private rooms towards the back. 


Commanding positions

Position significant elements like the bed, desk, and stove in commanding positions, visible from the door but not directly in line. 


Central disruptions

Avoid placing staircases or bathrooms in the center of the home, as they can disrupt energy flow. 


Staircase considerations

Spiral staircases and numerous stairs are discouraged due to their disorienting nature and potential instability. 

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