Difference between some accommodations


Inns generally feature 15 to 20 rooms, a building not more than one floor, and basic facilities like TV. They are typically smaller than hotels and have fewer amenities.


Hotels are owned by large corporations and are bigger in size than inns. Unlike inns, these offer facilities and amenities like restaurants, spas, bars, gyms, swimming pools, parking, etc.


Hostels offer dormitories where you share a room with others. They offer shared amenities like washrooms, a common kitchen, and a common lounge area. They are budget-friendly, quirky, and casual.


Motel is a combination of the words "motor" and "hotel." You will mostly find them on highways. They offer limited facilities and are perfect for those wanting to halt while in transit.


A resort is a self-contained destination on its own. It has swimming pools, lounges, game rooms, and sometimes even adjacent theme parks and shopping centers.

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