Debunking 5 myths about meditation

By Anujj Trehaan


Myth 1: Meditation can only be done while sitting

You can meditate even while walking. Many practitioners around the world participate in walking meditations, hiking meditations, etc.


Myth 2: Meditation is about controlling thoughts

The fact is that you don't control thoughts by avoiding the bad ones. Instead, you become aware of them and transcend into a silent space within.


Myth 3: Meditation is about running away from problems

On the contrary, meditation actually helps you to face your problems and embrace their existence with a smile.


Myth 4: It takes years of practice to attain benefits

Meditation's benefits are both instant and long-term. You can attain them when you do it for the first time and even when you are 100 sessions old.


Myth 5: Meditation is time-consuming, monotonous, and sleep-inducing

Meditation instantly clears your mind. It is interesting as it is diverse. It is not soporific but caters to good sleep, later.

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