Common tourist mistakes to avoid in Peru

By Rishabh Raj


Don't worry if Peruvians get a bit close

In Peru, it is common for people to stand close to each other and make physical contact such as a light touch on the arm or shoulder while talking.


Avoid yellow flowers

In Latin American culture, yellow flowers are traditionally associated with death and mourning. So giving them as a gift can be seen as inappropriate.


Don't show single finger and a fist

This gesture is commonly used in other parts of the world to call someone over. However, in Peru, this gesture is used to call animals such as llamas or alpacas.


Dress Modestly

In Peru, dress codes can vary depending on the occasion and location. Most Peruvians tend to dress modestly, and wearing revealing clothing can be seen as disrespectful or inappropriate.


Avoid eating & drinking in public

Peru has a strong Catholic heritage. Eating or drinking in public during religious events can be perceived as a lack of respect for the religious traditions.

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