Common customs that are offensive in some countries

By Rishabh Raj


Peace sign

In Britain, making the backward peace sign, with your palm facing towards your face may provoke the ire of whom you are pointing it at. Making such a gesture can be considered insulting.


Thumbs up

The “thumbs up” gesture is perceived as a sign of disrespect, especially to the LGBTQ+ community, in some parts of the Middle East, Latin America, and western Africa.


Finishing everything on plate

In countries including China, Russia, and Thailand finishing off every food item on the plate can be interpreted as a sign that the host did not provide enough food



In many Western cultures table manners dictate that eating should be quiet and graceful. In these cultures, slurping is often associated with being uncivilized or lacking self-control.


Smiling at strangers

Russian culture places a strong emphasis on stoicism, and emotions are often not displayed openly. So, smiling at strangers in Russia can be perceived as insincere or fake.

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