Be aware of these plant diseases

By Sneha Das


Powdery mildew

Powdery mildew is a fungal infection that is not fatal but can make your outdoor plants look sick and dull. It causes white to grey powdery spots on the surface of the leaves.



One of the most common diseases in outdoor plants like rose plants, Fuchsia, chrysanthemum, or pelargonium, rust is a serious infection that can spread to other plants and kill them over time.


Black spot

Black spot is a fungal disease that is usually caused by a particular species of Pseudomonas bacteria. It mainly attacks rose plants, and other garden and decorative plants.



Usually affecting brassicas roots like cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, turnips, etc., clubroot is a fungal infection that causes the roots to become twisted and swollen.


Leaf spots

Leaf spots are common fungal infections in plants that cause the leaves to turn yellow and make them fall prematurely. These spots are usually brown, tan, or black in color.

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