Aquarium mistakes to avoid

By Anujj Trehaan


Opting for a small tank

In a small tank, the fish can only have a limited space to move around, which can hinder their growth and health. This can also cut short their life.


Not changing water frequently

Frequent water changes are a must. Even if your tank looks clean, small food particles and algae may still be present, which can impact the health of your fish.


Overfeeding the fish

Avoid overfeeding, as uneaten food can pollute the water and increase nitrate and ammonia levels that are toxic to the fish's health.


Keeping the light of your aquarium switched on

Your fish also need to rest; leaving the light switched on can cause them stress. Prolonged lighting can also lead to unwanted algae growth.



Regardless of its size, every aquarium has a limited capacity to accommodate fish as they may grow larger with time or turn aggressive when too crowded.

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