5 easy ways to practice slow living

By Rishabh Raj


Embrace minimalism

Minimizing possessions can lead to a more peaceful and relaxing living space, allowing more time for personal growth and enjoyment.


Start your day slowly

Take a few minutes to practice mindfulness before starting your day. Enjoy a cup of tea, or do yoga but resist the temptation to check your phone first thing in the morning.



While multitasking may seem like an efficient use of time, research has shown that it can actually reduce productivity, increase errors, and lead to greater stress and mental exhaustion.


Appreciate silence

Intentionally take a break from external stimuli like TV, podcasts, music, etc. to live a moment of stillness and silence. This can lead to greater mindfulness and self-awareness.


Say 'No'

Saying yes to everything can lead to overcommitment, burnout, and neglecting your own needs and priorities. Say 'No' to things that don't align with your priorities.


Create more from scratch

For example, enjoy the process of cooking from scratch using whole, unprocessed ingredients. You can also grow your vegetables at home instead of buying them from the market.

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