5 world- famous pets

Ireland's President Michael D. Higgins is often spotted with his furry Bernese mountain dog Misneach. The dog accompanies him to all public events.

Irish President's furry Bernese mountain dog Misneach

Larry is a British domestic cat who is serving as the chief mouser to the Cabinet Office of the United Kingdom at 10 Downing Street since 2011.

Larry, the resident cat in the British Government

American singer, songwriter, and actor Lady Gaga's French bulldogs Koji, Miss Asia, and Gustavo are almost as famous as her and can be often spotted on magazine covers.

Lady Gaga's French bulldogs

Living in Tennessee, US, Doug the Pug has gained the status of a "celebrity dog" and has 3.7 million followers on Instagram. He has won the People's Choice Award twice.

Doug the Pug

Also called Lizzy, OwlKitty is a five-year-old cat from the US. Adopted by Thibault Charroppin and Olivia Boon, the big-eyed kitty has one million followers on Instagram.


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