5 weird but real medical illnesses

By Anujj Trehaan


Walking Corpse Syndrome

This is a neuropsychiatric disorder wherein the affected person believes they are dead and don't have organs, tissues, blood, and a soul in their body!


Alice in Wonderland Syndrome

People with this syndrome experience migraines and see objects and people around them as either bigger, small, or far farther from their actual size and distance!


Stone Man Syndrome

People down with this genetic health condition experience their muscles and tissues such as ligaments and tendons turning into bones.


Alien Hand Syndrome

A person with alien hand syndrome may button their shirt with one hand while the other hand unbuttons it without them realizing it!


Water allergy

Also called aquagenic urticaria, people with this allergy develop itchy hives and patches on their skin when they come in contact with water!

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