5 ways to stop hiccups

By Anujj Trehaan


What are hiccups?

Hiccups are uncontrollable and repetitive contractions of the diaphragm. Most of them start suddenly and end abruptly, while others may generally last for a few minutes.


Method 1: Drink a glass of water

Sip on some water as it clears any irritation in the diaphragm. Now, for some a glass of warm water may work, while for others sipping on ice-cold water does the job.


Method 2: Hold your breath

Another way to deal with hiccups is to hold your breath for a few seconds. Doing this can help your body retain some carbon dioxide and remove continuous diaphragm spasms.


Method 3: Get a slice of lemon

The high amount of acidic content found in lemons disrupts your esophagus and distracts your vagus nerve, which in turn helps stop the diaphragm contractions.


Method 4: Consume sugar

A study found that 19 out of 20 participants were able to stop their hiccups with sugar! Researchers found that sugar affects the vagus nerve and stops diaphragm irritation.


Method 5: Pull out your tongue

Pulling your tongue out stimulates the vagus nerve and distracts the body to focus on something more dramatic. It also triggers the nerves and muscles in your throat.

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