5 ways to deal with being laid off

Process it well

Allow yourself a few days to process the layoff and to go through the grief. Reflect upon your career and rethink your professional goals. Don't rush into the job market just yet.

Do a financial assessment

Do a financial assessment to keep your stress and anxiety at bay. Figure out for how long you can sustain your savings as you churn out ways to cut down your expenses.

Maintain a network

Maintain a network on social media where you can share your story, pour your feelings out, connect with like-minded professionals, or find some relevant job opportunities.

Update your resume and profile

Reach out to your friends or former colleagues to help you out with a relevant job opening. Tailor your resume to specific jobs to maximize your chances of getting hired.

Work on your mental health

It's easy to fall prey to frustration when you are laid off. Plan a routine, pick up a hobby, indulge in a fitness regime, and stay hopeful. Steer clear of addictions.

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