5 ways to cut down on caffeine

By Anujj Trehaan


Slowly progress to decrease your caffeine intake

Minimize your tea and coffee cups, chocolate consumption, and daily intake of aerated beverages. You will be less likely to feel symptoms of withdrawal.


Switch to replacements

You may still need a drink for the times when you used to consume caffeine. The best is to find alternatives like herbal teas, lemon water, and fruit-infused drinks. 


Use natural lighting

Your body responds naturally to light, so if it's naturally well-lit where you're working or studying, it may make staying alert a lot easier. This way, you won't need caffeine.


Focus on getting more sleep

If you're a regular caffeine consumer, your body may be habitual to functioning with less sleep. You need to increase your sleep time while you quit caffeine.


Limit alcohol and drink more water

Alcohol may heighten caffeine cravings. Drink eight glasses of water daily to maintain energy and reduce caffeine dependence.

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