Ways to cultivate habit of reading

By Anujj Trehaan


Select your favorite genre

The first step is to select the book you like to keep your interest levels high during the journey. Pick up a print that piques your curiosity and is easy to read initially.


Make time for reading

For starters, you can designate 15 minutes daily from your schedule for reading the book. You can also target a set number of pages to read daily. 


Refrain from reading voluminous books

It is best to commence with thin books that have a limited/small number of chapters so that you can finish them without any painstaking effort.


Choose physical books instead of e-books

E-books are popular for on-the-go reading, but as a beginner, stick to physical books to save yourself from eye fatigue and the lack of personal touch.


Sign up for a book reading challenge

Connecting with fellow avid readers or joining online book clubs can help increase motivation and competitiveness in achieving reading goals.

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