5 tips to survive an earthquake

By Anujj Trehaan

Take shelter


During an earthquake, look for a sturdy piece of furniture to safeguard yourself from falling debris. Find a table or a desk and drop to your hands and knees until the tremors stop.

Create an earthquake safety plan


Discuss with your family what to do, where to hide, where to escape, and where to meet if separated during an earthquake. Keep your pets in a hard-shell carrier.

Stay away from buildings and trees


If you are outside, steer clear of buildings as they may collapse. You should also not hide under trees, electric poles, power lines, and bridges for the same reason.

Skip using elevators


An earthquake may induce a power outage or even fire, which can trap you inside the elevator. In case you are trapped inside one, ask for help by banging hard on heavy metal parts.

If you're trapped under debris, don't move


Do not kick up the debris and dust as they could make the situation more problematic. Cover your mouth with a handkerchief or clothing to breathe right.

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