By Lahari Basu
Organize those wires
Wired devices such as a mouse and keyboard can be replaced with Bluetooth or Wi-Fi-enabled alternatives. You can also use velcro tape to club the wires together.
Keep important stuff near your dominant hand
Install a floating shelf above your desk on the wall, or get a stackable desk tray to keep your important documents or your phone.
Group similar items together
Use separate drawers for keeping your work items. Club all the stationeries together in one drawer. Similarly, in a different drawer, keep all your files and documents.
Only keep relevant items on desk
Keep only those items that you need to access daily. Remove all other pens and files from the desk that you use only occasionally.
Ensure proper lighting
The quality of lighting in your workspace impacts your productivity. If you don't have a lot of natural light, illuminate your workspace with a lampshade or diffused lights.