5 tips to be a good listener

Minimize distractions

Put that phone away. Using your phone or fidgeting with it while listening is not only off-putting but also reeks of disrespect for your interlocutor.

Repeat their last few words

It's common to get lost in the middle of a conversation. In such cases, at least repeat the last few words of the speaker back to them. It makes the other person feel heard.

Offer nonverbal cues

Nonverbal cues like making eye contact, nodding on affirmation, and having an attentive body posture signal you are listening.

Admit shortcomings

If you zoned out in the middle of the conversation, acknowledge that you got lost and didn't quite get it, and ask them to repeat themselves instead of pretending to understand.

Ask more questions

Asking more questions not only makes the other person feel listened to but also helps you fully get their message. This also ensures that you don't overlook important details.

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