Swollen lips can be caused by injury or severe allergic reactions. Treatment includes applying cold compress and antihistamines, but seek medical help for severe cases.
Tender lips
Red and tender lips may be a sign of a harmless topical allergy to products like toothpaste or lipstick. Stop using anything that causes irritation.
Discolored lips
Discolored lips may indicate poor circulation caused by smoking, anemia, or inactivity. Exercise regularly, take a proper diet, and avoid smoking and drinking to improve circulation.
Hot, burning, or red lips
This can indicate excess heat within the body caused by consuming too much spicy food, sugar, alcohol, or caffeine. Avoid such food and use a cold compress or aloe vera gel.
Cracked lips
Your lips might be dry due to climate, dehydration, tension, anxiety, or fear. Moreover, heartache or feeling cold could also be the culprit.