5 surprising health benefits of wine

Heart health

Wine is known to protect heart cells from tissue damage and also relax your coronary arteries. The antioxidants present in it, especially resveratrol, reduces LDL, the "bad" cholesterol.

May shield against cancer

Research says that compounds in wine slow the growth of breast cancer cells in the body. It features phenols, that suppress the growth of prostate cancer cells.

May aid digestion

Red wine is loaded with antibacterial properties that are known to treat stomach-related issues. Research has it that people who red drink wine in moderation have better gut health.

May keep your memory sharp

The resveratrol present in wine inhibits the formation of beta-amyloid protein, which acts as a key ingredient to heal patients down with Alzheimer's disease.

Bone health

Red wine may cut down the risk of developing osteoporosis. Research including 500 aged women revealed that bone mineral density was 12% to 16% higher in only moderate drinkers.

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