Mango mastani

Blend together ripe mango, milk, vanilla ice cream, and sugar. Add a scoop of mango ice cream to it, garnish with chopped mangoes, glazed cherries, and pistachios, and serve.

Aam panna

Boil raw mangoes and take out the pulp.
Blend in sugar, black rock salt, roasted and
powdered cumin seeds, and mint leaves with
water. Pour the panna into a glass with ice
and serve.

Sattu ka sharbat

Mix together sattu, sugar, and lemon juice.
Add some ice to a tall glass and pour this
mixture. Garnish the drink with a pinch of
roasted cumin powder to enhance the flavor.

mint cooler

Blend chopped cucumber with sugar, mint leaves, and chilled water. Strain the smoothie, and stir in lime juice, black salt, and more water. Garnish with lime rings and serve.

Pineapple smoothie

Blend together pineapple chunks, along
with its juices, two cups of water, and lemon
juice. Strain the mixture, and stir in water and
honey. Garnish with pineapple wedges and