5 strategies to overcome homesickness

By Anujj Trehaan


Allow yourself to feel homesick for a while

Staying strong does not mean you have to suppress or ignore your emotions. Instead, it is to deal with them. Cry or do anything that helps you express it.

Keep yourself busy with productive activities


Keep yourself busy with decorating your new room or cleaning around. You can also enroll in an extra-curricular activity if you have too much time at hand.


Stay in touch with family but in moderation

Stay connected through phone calls or social media. Try to not have long conversations, deep talks, or nostalgic interactions.


Step out and explore

One of the main reasons we feel homesick is when we spend too much time indoors. Explore your new surroundings, find some stores for groceries, and check out some local places.


Many people travel from afar to pursue education or work. Hence, you may find a buddy or a group of them at your university/workplace.

Spend time with natives of your own city or country

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