5 souvenirs from Lebanon

By Anujj Trehaan


Cultural carvings in Lebanon

The wood derived from Cedar trees in Lebanon is used to make adorable carvings with delightful messages written on them. You can even get personalized messages written.


Assorted roasted nuts

Don't forget to grab a packet of assorted roasted nuts. Locals serve them with drinks and they are a mass favorite for their flavor and aroma.


Lebanese wine

Lebanese wine, including Chateau Ksara and Château Musar, are popular souvenirs for experiencing authentic Lebanese culture. Check travel regulations before buying.


Artisanal clothing

Artisanal clothing in Lebanon is handmade, features intricate designs that speak volumes about the country's traditions, and is available in a variety that you won't be tired of.



When in Lebanon, don't forget to try authentic Lebanese sweets like Maamoul, Knafeh, Halawet el Jibn, Baklava, and Shaabiyat. These long-lasting treats make for great souvenirs to bring back home.

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