5 souvenirs from Belarus

By Anujj Trehaan


Straw products

Symbolizing happiness and prosperity, locals use straws to make stunning handmade products like amulets, home decor items, flowers, hats, dolls, caskets, chests, paintings, and ornaments.


Ceramic products

Belarus is home to skilled artisans who create beautiful ceramics including animal figurines, decorations, and crockery, which can be found at pottery stores.



Zefir, a traditional and popular confectionery in Belarus is made from apple, sugar, and egg whites. It's a delicious sweet treat that is widely available across the country.


Sugared cranberries

Sugared cranberries in Belarus are made using a patented technology which makes it an exclusive offering from the country to the rest of the world.


Belarusian linen

Belarus is known for its flax production which is used to make a range of linen products including tablecloths, napkins, and bed linens as well.

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