5 signs of naturally high dopamine

By Rishabh Raj



You may experience episodes of mania. It may feel like your brain is on an overdrive! This can lead to needing less sleep, becoming more talkative, and getting easily distracted.


Super excited

You get super excited when you have a goal and even more pumped when you achieve it. Winning becomes a huge thrill for you. While everyone likes winning, you tend to get hooked on it.



You tend to feel more competitive with an inner fire that pushes you to be the best and surpass others. You love the excitement of competition and the thrill of winning.


Poor impulse control

You may have a harder time resisting immediate urges or temptations. You may find it harder to think through your actions and make rational decisions.


Emotional eating

When you're feeling upset or stressed, there's a strong inclination to seek comfort food. This is because your brain craves the rewarding feeling that dopamine provides.

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