Rose syrup

Blend vanilla ice cream, some rose syrup
of your choice, ice cubes, and milk. Pour into
a tall glass, add a dollop of ice cream on top
and enjoy this heavenly drink.

Banana milkshake

Blend together a frozen banana, ice cubes, milk, and dates until frothy, and thick. Transfer in a tall glass and chug! It's a filling drink that will keep you full for longer.

Mango milkshake

Mango milkshake is a staple in summers. Blend together ripe mangoes, full-fat milk, and vanilla ice cream. Serve with an extra dollop of ice cream and garnish with a slice of mango.

Tender coconut milkshake

This might seem a little questionable to some, but trust us on this delightful combination. Blend fresh tender coconut flesh, milk, coconut water, and honey, and take a sip.


Use unsalted and unroasted pistachios. Blend together full-fat milk, pistachios, and vanilla ice cream. Garnish with chopped roasted and salted pistachios, mint leaves, and serve.