
Caviar is salt-cured fish eggs. The rarest
and most expensive caviar comes from the endangered Beluga Sturgeon. Almas caviar
from Iranian Albino Beluga Sturgeon costs
$34,500 for 1kg. 

Ayam Cemani Chicken

These chickens have black organs, flesh,
and bones and are similar to India's Kadaknath chicken. Nicknamed the Lamborghini of chicken breeds, an Ayam Cemani pair costs $5,000.

Civet coffee

Also called Kopi Luwak coffee, it is made
of semi-digested coffee cherries excreted
by Asian palm civets. It is one of the most expensive coffees, with prices as high as

White Truffle

Native to the Piedmont region of Italy, white truffles only grow among the roots of specific species of trees. The world's largest white truffle was auctioned for $61,000 in 2014.

Swallow's Nest

Made of saliva, these nests are found on cliffs, and collecting them is dangerous. Swallow's
Nest soup is a delicacy in China. In Hong Kong,
a bowl of this soup costs $30 to $100.