5 Indian birds nearing endangerment

By Apurva P


Disappearing migratory birds

India's favorable climate attracts migratory birds, but human activities are endangering several bird species. Let's look at a few birds that are nearing endangerment.


Great Indian bustard

The great Indian bustard a critically endangered bird due to loss of habitat and poaching is disappearing from India and is now restricted to isolated pockets in a few states.


White-bellied heron

The white-bellied heron, also known as the imperial heron, is on the brink of extinction due to wetland disappearance, poaching, and habitat destruction.


Bengal florican

With a small population in India, Nepal, Cambodia, and Vietnam, Bengal florican is now critically endangered due to agriculture and environmental threats.


Siberian crane

Siberian cranes, one of the most endangered bird species, are at risk of rapid population decline due to the expected development in their wintering sites.


Red-headed vulture

Red-headed vultures are declining due to the use of Diclofenac in veterinary medicine, causing kidney failure in scavenger birds.

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