5 homemade remedies for sunburn

By Sneha Das


Use a cold compress

You can wrap an ice pack in a soft towel and apply it to the affected area to soothe the burning sensation. You can use this cold compress every 10-15 minutes throughout the day.


Aloe vera

A compound called aloin found in aloe vera gives it anti-inflammatory properties that help speed up the healing process of a sunburn. It also prevents your skin from peeling.


Oatmeal bath

Oatmeal can heal the skin, promote cell regeneration and reduce redness and swelling. The proteins, vitamins, and minerals in oatmeal also make your skin soft and smooth.


Tea tree oil

Packed with pain-relieving properties, tea tree oil can prevent peeling and blistering that can happen due to sunburn. It also helps improve the flow of blood to the skin's blood vessels.



The moisturizing agent in honey reduces the redness, swelling, and burning sensation of the affected area. It also prevents any risk of infection that can happen due to sunburn.

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