Apply coconut oil with lemon juice to your scalp, and rinse off with shampoo after 30 minutes. Coconut oil's moisturizing, antifungal, and antibacterial properties treat scalp dryness and skin infections.
Honey and avocado
A hair mask made of honey, avocado, and banana can moisturize dry scalp, reduce hair loss, add shine, reduce frizz and dullness, and soften and smooth hair strands.
Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar helps balance scalp pH levels and soothes dry scalp with its antimicrobial properties. It can also combat yeast and bacteria buildup.
Onion juice and honey
Onion juice mixed with honey can reduce dandruff and improve blood circulation on the scalp. Mix honey with onion juice, apply it to scalp for 15-30 minutes, and rinse off.
Yogurt is a natural moisturizer that nourishes the scalp, treats dandruff, and prevents hair thinning and split ends. For best results, mix with honey and apply.