5 home remedies to lighten dark lips

By Anujj Trehaan


Honey and sugar scrub

If you mix sugar crystals and honey to make a scrub, it can be a great exfoliator that removes dead skin cells and promotes a natural glow/brightness.


Coconut oil

Coconut oil is loaded with nourishing, hydrating, and moisturizing properties that can keep your lips away from dryness and dullness.


Aloe vera

Aloe vera is packed with aloin, which has strong depigmentation properties. This can help you get rid of the dullness or paleness of your lips. 


Cucumber juice

Wondering how cucumber helps brighten your lips? Well, this green goodness has antioxidants and silica-rich compounds that can fade pigmentation and dullness. 



Turmeric can help you brighten your lips as per a study conducted in 2010. In this study, it was found that it worked as a melanin inhibitor. Melanin induces darkness where it is present.

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