5 home remedies to fight kidney stones

By Sneha Das


Basil juice

Packed with antioxidants, tulsi or holy basil juice is highly effective in giving relief from digestive and inflammatory problems.


Pomegranate juice

Pomegranate juice contains high levels of antioxidants that help flush stones from your system, thereby taking care of your kidney health .


Horse gram or kulthi dal

Packed with diuretic properties, horse gram is a major ingredient in Ayurveda that helps treat kidney stones by increasing your urine flow.


Apple cider vinegar

The high levels of vitamins B and C in apple cider vingear helps take care of your kidney health and flush out impurities from the system.


Lemon juice and honey

You can mix lemon juice with some honey and have it daily in the morning to alleviate pain and dissolve kidney stones quickly.

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