5 home remedies for bad breath

By Anujj Trehaan


Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar can help eliminate bad breath by balancing your mouth's pH levels. Mix a tablespoon in water and drink it or use it as a daily mouthwash.



Cloves combat bad breath and cavity-causing bacteria. Suck on a few cloves daily, make clove tea by boiling them in water, or use the same mixture as a natural mouthwash alternative.



The chlorophyll-rich parsley works to neutralize odors, leaving your breath feeling clean and revitalized. Chew on fresh parsley leaves or consume a parsley-infused tea.


Fennel seeds

Fennel seeds are packed with agents that freshen the mouth. They also increase the secretion of saliva which can kill the odor-causing bacteria instantly.


Green tea

Green tea, rich in disinfectant and deodorizing properties, offers instant relief from bad breath and improves oral hygiene with its strong antioxidants.

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