5 health benefits of spinach

By Lahari Basu


Prevents osteoporosis

This green veggie is loaded with calcium, vitamin K, and manganese, all of which promote bone health. Eating spinach regularly can improve the absorption of calcium in your body.

Good for eyes


Spinach is packed with antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin which foster healthy eyesight. It also has vitamin A that maintains mucus membranes in the eyes for better vision.


Assists in a healthy pregnancy

Blessed with the goodness of folate spinach prevents neural tube birth defects in babies. Being rich in vitamin B6, it also fosters the brain development of the fetus.


Boosts immunity

Spinach features a good amount of vitamin C to fight off several infections. It also has vitamin E and magnesium that boost immunity further.


Keeps you hydrated

Spinach is 91% water, which makes it among the very rare food items that can maintain your water consumption level.

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