5 health benefits of lotus root

Helps manage blood pressure

The high quantity of potassium present in lotus roots makes them a great vasodilator and ensures a balance of fluids in the body. It also relaxes the blood vessels.

Good for weight loss

Lotus root has fewer calories and is loaded with dietary fiber which keeps you full for a longer period of time. It also stimulates your digestive system and helps in weight loss.

Helps reduce stress

Lotus root is packed with vitamin B complex which contains a compound called pyridoxine that interacts with the neural receptors in the brain and helps in reducing stress.

Boosts digestion

High in dietary fiber, lotus root adds bulk to the stool and promotes smooth bowel movements. This helps prevent constipation and boosts your digestion.

Great for skin and hair

Rich in vitamins A, B, and C, lotus root is great for your skin health and makes it smooth and glowing. It also prevents premature greying of hair and strengthens the scalp.

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